工程機械與維修 今日工程機械
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山推礦山設備重磅亮相南非Electra Mining展會

匠客工程機械 評論(0)


9月2日,2024年南非礦業(yè)機械及電力能源展(Electra Mining 2024)在南非最大城市約翰內斯堡會展中心盛大開幕。山推攜多款明星產品精彩亮相,并憑借性能強悍、高效可靠的設備陣容收獲超高人氣,向南非及非洲市場展示了其在工程機械領域的技術積淀和創(chuàng)新成果。

On September 2, the Electra Mining 2024 opened at the Convention and Exhibition Center in Johannesburg, where is the largest city in South Africa. Shantui brought a number of star products, and gained high popularity with its powerful, efficient and reliable equipment lineup, showing its technical accumulation and innovation in the field of construction machinery to the South African and African markets.


During the exhibition, Shantui SK90A-C6 mining card, SE305LCW excavator, SL60W-2 loader, SR12-B6 roller and other star products attracted many mining customers and industry insiders to visit and consult. The on-site visitors truly felt the charm of Shantui brand, showed great interest in the technical advantages and reliable performance of Shantui's products, and were full of expectations for future cooperation with Shantui.


Shantui has long regarded South Africa as an important strategic market, and has established a perfect sales and service network, which radiates the entire African market. In the future, Shantui will continue to adhere to the business philosophy of "We aim at customers' satisfaction", improve the product spectrum, innovate the business model, and strive to provide more mining customers with more quality products and services.


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